
The Scottish Siberian Husky Club Champshow

Saturday 18th May 2024.

Judge: John Purnell

My thanks to the club for the invitation to judge at this Popular Show.

My thanks also go to the Exhibitors for there valued entries some good dogs on show today. I hope that the Secretary and the designated  Dog judge are now better after there health  issues both not being able to attend on the day.


Minor  puppy  dog                              2 entries          0 absent.


The Winner            Ms  Pam  Mcarthur & Ellis Rees & Cherise  Mc Kenzies    Amical  Naxxar  8 months old lovely black and white puppy lovely straight front with nice tight feet. balanced head with correct ear set good level backline retained on the move good ring presence.


Second                    Mr Tony & Helen Lightfoots   Trailhunters   Huccaby  Tor  Of  Footlite.   7 months old white good depth of chest in good coat bit unsettled today .



Puppy  Dog                                         2  entries         0 absent.


The  Winner     the winner  of the  last  class.


Second              Mr &  Mrs  Emery’s   Navajos  Starman   10 month old not as balanced as one lacking in forechest  and on the move , good balanced head good level backline retained on the move.



Junior  Dog                                         4  entries         0  absent.


The  Winner       Miss  Fiona  Penman’s  Lupacchiotto  Bulletproof  Of  Agaelta.   14 months old grey and white  nice balanced dog good straight front good depth of chest nice balanced head good on the move pleasing example.


Second   the winner  of the last class      Amical  Naxxar.



Yearling  Dog                                      2 entries          0 absent.


The  Winner        Mr  Ian  Robinsons   Keriquel  Restless  Sinner.   23 months old fawn with black overlay good width of chest ,straight strong front good balanced head moved well good ring presence.


Second                Mrs  Elaine  Seaman’s  Artictreks  Hickory  Dickory.  24 months old fawn and white not got the width of chest of  1  or feet  good level backline retained on the move good balanced head.



Under  Graduate  Dog                        0 entries.



Graduate  Dog                                    1  entrie              0 absent


The  Winner                Mrs  Elaine  Seaman’s    Artictreks  Peter  Pan.   Black and white nice balanced dog with good straight front good balanced head with strong muzzle good depth of chest well angulated  would of preferred a stronger back end not the best on the move .



Post  Graduate  Dog                            7 entries          1 absent.


The  Winner               Miss  Anne  Bryson’s       Inukshuk  O’Aningan  JW.  30 months old black and white good width of chest with good straight front good depth of chest, nice balanced head good ring presence moved well.


Second                       Mr  Ian  Robinsons    Artictreks  Peter   Piper.  2 years old black and white good straight front good level backline retained on the move well angulated in good coat  moved well.



Limit  Dog                                          9  entries                     2 absent.


The  Winner              Mr  &  Mrs  Mcinnes’s     Inneska  Malachite  wolf grey/ silver & white of four years nice  balanced  example with good straight front nice balanced head with well carried ears good eye shape . good depth of chest well angulated level backline retained on the move moved well.



Second                      Mr  &  Mrs  Harts   Zawkkast  Ex  Lax  4 and half years old grey and white good width of chest nice balanced head with good ear set moved well pleasing example.



Open  Dog                                          7 entries                      0 absent.


The  Winner              R  Sargent  &  S  &  R  Sargent’s  Keriquel  Orinoco   5 years black grey & white  good strong front nice tight feet good reach of neck nice balanced head good level backline moved well.


Second                      Miss  Anne  Bryson’s   Inukshuk  O’ Naniitchuk  Kulu.  30 months old jet black/white  good level backline well angulated straight back and front nice balanced head with good ear carriage.



Champion  Dog                                  0 entries.








Veteran  Dog                                                   4 entries                        0 absent.   


The  Winner            Mrs  A Houston’s  Rajarani  Dominique   8 years old silver grey and white balanced dog good strong front good example for age moved well.


Second                    Mrs  S Harts    Arctictrek’s  Ralph  Revels  At  Zawkkast.  8 years old white dog good straight front good strong head with good ear set moved well pleasing example.  



Special  Veteran  Dog                                       1 entrie                        0 absent.


The  Winner             Mr  Michael  Patrick’s   Tom  Bombadil  Of  Poliarine  Arktika  At  Coldasice  (imp ltu).   10  years old  Red  and  White  lovely balanced example right in all areas moved with good drive and ring presence in lovely condition for age .


Dog    C C           Tom  Bombadil  Of  Poliarine  Arktika  At  Coldasice  (imp ltu).


R D C C              Lupacchiotto  Bulletproof  Of  Agaelta.


Best  Puppy        Amical  Naxxar.


Best  Veteran      Dog  C C  Winner.



Siberian Husky  Bitches.


Baby  Puppy  Bitch                                         0 entries.


Minor  Puppy  Bitch                                       1  entrie                        0 absent.


The  Winner               Mr  Ellis  Rees’s    Amical  Valletta.    8 months old black grey and white good width of chest good backline retained on the move good balanced head a little unsettled on the move today .


Puppy  Bitch                                                   1 entrie                        0  absent.

The  Winner                      Miss  Jayne  Caudy’s   Arctictrek  Cassi  At  Snodragon.  9 months old grey and white good straight front good level backline retained on the move well angulated touch lean for my liking . moved well.


Junior  Bitch                                                   1  entrie                        1  absent.









Yearling  Bitch                                                2  entries                        0 absent.

The  Winner                   R  Cunninghams     Siberiadrift   Daring  Minx  From  Icebex.

20 months old black and white good strong front with good width of chest level backline well angulated in good coat good ring presence moved well.


Second                           Miss J  Caudy’s       Arctictreks    Goldilocks  At  Snodragon  JW.   23 months crème and white nice balanced bitch good depth of chest well angulated nice arch of neck moved well pleasing example.



Under  Graduate                                             2  entries                        0  absent.


The  Winner                  Mrs  K  Hughes     Siberiadrift   Daring  Sage.   Grey and white nice balanced bitch good width of chest nice tight feet nice balanced head with correct ear set and correct shape eye giving the correct expression. moved well good example.


Second                         Mrs  S  Donaldson – Buist’s     Aloustair’s  Ghost  Chilli.  30 months old good width of chest good level backline well angulated preferred movement on no 1.bitch.


Graduate                                                         2  entries                        0 absent.

The  Winner                Mr & Mrs  Fletcher’s    Siberiadrift  Blue  Lagoon  At  Whitepeak  21 months old Agouti  coloured bitch good straight front nice balanced head good level backline moved well pleasing bitch.


Second                        Mrs  E  Seaman’s   Arctictreks  Talisman     3 and half years old silver and white good depth of chest, level backline not as balanced as one not as good on the move.



Post  graduate                                                  3 entries                        1  absent.

The  Winner                Miss  Fiona  Penman’s    Sutarka’s  Calla  Of  Agaelta  JW   3 years old nice balanced bitch good strong front good depth of chest level backline well angulated lovely grey and white in good coat.


Second                         Ms E  Ferretti’s    Arcticskies  Super  Trouper  For  Lyrid  JW.  2 years old grey and white not as good in front as 1 nice balanced head good ear set another pleasing bitch moved well.













Limit                                                               8  entries                        2 absent.

The  Winner                  Michael  Patrick’s    Siberiadrift  White  Winter  JW.  20 months old grey and white lovely balanced bitch good strong front nice tight feet good level backline well angulated nice balanced head good ring presence.


Second                          Ms  E  Ferretti’s    Arcticskies  Whisky  Sour  For  Lyrid.  4 years old good width of chest good depth well angulated good balanced head moved well pleasing bitch.



Open                                                               7  entries                        1  absent.


The  Winner                  Mrs  K  Hughes     Siberiadrift  Secret  To  Keep    5 years old grey and white good strong front level backline retained on the move nice balanced head in good coat good ring presence moved well.


Second                           Mr & Mrs  Kents    Lyfearon  Off  With  Her  Head  SHCEX.  3 years old silver and black good strong front standard sized bitch good balanced bitch moved well good ring presence.


Champion  Bitch                                             2  entries                        1  absent.

The  Winner                  Mrs  L &  Miss S  Wynnes    CH  Mydisa  Golden  Deelishus  JW  SHCM  SHCEX.  8 years old grey and white lovely balanced bitch with good strong front nice balanced head in good coat good level backline retained on the move.


Veteran  Bitch                                                 4  entries                        0 absent.

The  Winner                             Mrs  Jo  Kent’s   Vukasin  A  Song  Of  Ice  And  Fire  At  Lyfearon  VW.   8 years old lovely balanced silver and grey with good strong front nice level backline retained on the move good balanced head. just a touch out of sync on the move at the back .


Second                                      K & M  Porritt’s   Amical  Super  Duper.   7 years old good front nice balanced head good width of skull with correct ear carriage good eye shape in good coat another nice example.


Special  Veteran  Bitch                                   0 entries.


Bitch  C C                             Siberiadrift  Secret  To  Keep.


R B  C C                               Siberiadrift  White  Winter  JW.


B P  Bitch                             Amical  Valletta.


B V  Bitch                             Vukasin  A  Song  Of  Ice And  Fire  At  Lyfearon  VW.



Best   Of   Breed    The  Dog    Tom  Bombadil  Of  Poliarine  Arktika  At  Coldasice  (imp ltu). 


Reserve  Best In Show              Siberiadrift  Secret  To  Keep.


Best  Puppy  In Show                Amical   Naxxar.


Best  Veteran  In  Show            Tom   Bombadil  Of  Poliarine  Artika  At  Coldasice.



Judge    John  Purnell.

Carluke and District Canine Society, Lawrie and Symington Agricultural Centre, Lanark.

Saturday the 24th of February 2024.

Judge: Ruth M Hearton(Tallatanta) 

A huge thank you to Anna Duff and the committee for inviting me to judge at there fantastic, well organized indoor show and an even bigger thank you to my exhibitors for entering. Totally spoilt today with a super collection of dogs to choose from.

Siberian Husky

121 Special Yearling(2,1)

1st Mr and Mrs Matt and Helen Emery’s-Navajos Starman Br. Owner. Absolutely stunning brown eyed, grey and white, 7 month old puppy dog. Excellent head, ear and eye set. Correct length and arch to neck. Correct angles at front. Good feet, correct length of loin and slope to croup. Excellent tail set and carriage. Correct rear angles. Held top-line on the move once settled. Moved soundly coming and going. Super future ahead of this puppy. great temperament and confidence. Correct double coat. Showed and turned out really well. Delighted to award him Best Puppy in Breed, even more delighted to see he was awarded Working Puppy Group 2 from Jenny Shorer-Wheeler(Koromandel)

Siberian Husky

122 Post Graduate(5,1)

1st Mrs Pamela Carmichael-Podricals the Gambler by Glenbranter JW. Br, Luisa Casola. First class nearly 3 year old grey and white brown eyed dog. Perfect head and wonderful expression on this boy. Correct arch to neck onto correct front angles. Correct length of loin, excellent turn of stifle. Correct slope to croup, excellent feet and coat. Flawless typical light footed movement coming and going. Showed and turned out correctly and in fantastic condition.

2nd Miss Luisa Casola’s-Podricals Rhinestone Cowboy Br. Owner. Handsome nearly 3 year old brown eyed white dog. Good head and expression. Correct angles front and rear. Moved well coming and going once settled. Showed and turned out correctly, in fantastic condition.

3rd Mr and Mrs Matt and Helen Emery’s-Alpenkye Makita Kite over Navajos.

Siberian Husky

123 Limit(2,1)

1st Miss Luisa Casola’s-Podricals Dream Baby Br. Owner. Nearly 3 year old, medium sized feminine, brown eyed bitch. Beautiful head,

temperament and expression. Correct arch to neck, correct angles front and rear onto good feet. Correct length of loin, held top-line coming and going resulting in typical light footed movement. Correct coat, showed and turned out correctly in super condition. Delighted to award her Reserve Best of Breed and even more delighted to see she got Reserve Best of Breed, Working Group 4 awarded by Jenny Shorer-Wheeler.

Siberian Husky

123 Open(5,1)

1st Ms Sharon Jones-Icynights Devils Mist Br. Sharon Jones and Gary Mihulka. Stunning 4 and a half year old brown  eyed, dilute black and white bitch of medium size. Feminine head and lovely expression. Correct ear and eye set. Correct angles front and rear onto excellent feet. Level top-line, correct length of loin, correct slope to croup all resulting in super reach and drive as she powered round the the ring with faultless, effortless light footed movement. Showed to perfection and turned out correctly. Delighted to award her Best of Breed and even more delighted she went on to achieve Working Group 3 awarded by Jenny Shorer-Wheeler.

2nd Miss Luisa Casola’s-Sassicaia’s Chocolate Lady at Podricals Br. M. Davidson and M Rolston. Super 9 and a half year old grey and white medium sized bitch. Super feminine head, ear and eye set. Good feet and correct double coat. Lovely temperament. Correct angles front and rear. Perfect length of loin. Great coat and feet. Flawless, effortless movement coming and going. Just piped to the post by my first in this class.