Judging Criteria
So you want to judge Siberian Huskies –
Well here’s what you need to do!
Level 1,
- Minimum of five years proven interest in pedigree dogs
- Attend a requirements of a dog show judge seminar (but not mandatory to take and pass examination)
- Attend a conformation and movement seminar
- Complete a minimum of two full-day stewarding appointments
At this level you can judge up to three classes (four if one is a puppy class) for any breed at limited or open shows.
Level 2,
- Take and pass requirements of a dog show judge examination
- Pass points of a dog assessment
- Attend a breed appreciation day (BAD) and pass a multiple-choice examination (MCE) for the respective breed
- View ring stewarding seminar and take online quiz
- Complete critique writing seminar and take online quiz
If you judge more than one breed you have to attend a breed appreciation day (BAD) and pass a multiple-choice examination (MCE) for each breed. Note: Not mandatory for group judge for breeds in the group that they are not approved at level 4, but attendance strongly recommended
At this level you can Unlimited number of classes for the respective breed at limited, open or championship shows (no CCs)
Any variety classes, groups and best in show at limited shows
Level 3
- Undergo minimum of three mentoring sessions with a minimum of 12 months between first and third session
- Be observed judging a breed club show, breed supported entry show or championship show without CCs
- Complete remaining 10 full-day stewarding appointments (onetime qualification)
- Have owned/bred a minimum of three dogs when they obtained their first entry in The Kennel Club Stud Book – save for exceptional circumstances (one-time qualification for first breed in which a judge awards CCs)
- Attended the appropriate sub-group field trial/open gundog working test for first gundog breed or ring procedure at licensed shows (German Shepherd Dog education programme) online exam (one-time qualification)
- Have achieved the relevant hands-on experience in line with the stated requirements for the relevant stud book band:
- Band A minus1 – 15 dogs
- Band A – 20 dogs
- Band B – 35 dogs
- Band C – 60 dogs
- Band D – 90 dogs
- Band E – 125 dogs
The following types of event may be used to claim hands-on experience numbers:
- Breed classes at championship shows without CCs
- Breed classes at open shows
- Breed classes at limited shows
- Mock/training classes at breed club shows (practical judging days) – only one occasion can be claimed and a maximum of five dogs
- Dogs judged at Kennel Club approved assessments, maximum of five dogs – only one occasion and a maximum of five dogs. Cannot be used in addition to mock classes
- Dogs judged at inter or intra-club single-breed matches
- Special award classes at breed club shows
- Supported entry shows
- Dogs judged at single breed dog of the year competitions
- Overseas appointments
Dogs judged at the following types of event may not be included in a judge’s hands-on experience:
- AVNSC and variety classes
- At fun days
- Conjointly with other judges at events where the candidate judge is not required to give independent judgment on the dogs
- Any JEP mentoring sessions
At this level you can Unlimited number of classes for the respective breed at limited, open or championship shows (no CCs)
Any variety classes groups and best in show at limited shows
Level 4
- Attend and passed a breed-specific assessment for the specific breed run by The Kennel Club
At this level you can award Challenge Certificates in the respective breed, and judge any variety classes, groups and best in show at open and limited shows